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Rise in Melatonin Use for Children Causes Safety Warning

Rise in Melatonin Use for Children Causes Safety Warning

A growing number of children are being given melatonin to enable them to sleep. Some health professionals and researchers worry that, with little proof of long-term safety, melatonin is being used too frequently and for too long a duration. Melatonin, which occurs naturally in the body, plays an important role in the regulation of sleep-wake cycles, also

A growing number of children are being given melatonin to enable them to sleep. Some health professionals and researchers worry that, with little proof of long-term safety, melatonin is being used too frequently and for too long a duration.

Melatonin, which occurs naturally in the body, plays an important role in the regulation of sleep-wake cycles, also known as the circadian rhythm.  For those who do not produce enough melatonin for a good night’s sleep, supplementing is a popular option.

According to a recent article in The Guardian, the number of youngsters given melatonin has risen steadily for the last three years.  This could be due to increased blue light from digital screens, sugar consumption, or many other reasons.

Dr. Neil Stanley at the University of Surrey said he was “astonished by the high numbers of children using melatonin regularly, as there are few double-blind studies other than those conducted in children with autism and children with visual impairment.” He likewise noticed that there was little information on melatonin’s long-term use.

“It’s a prescription of desperation really; doctors don’t know what to do about sleep and feel they have no alternatives,” Stanley said.

Melatonin is an active metabolite in a series of natural chemical reactions. Adding more to the system can lead to sleep. It can also slow the production of serotonin, an important factor in mood and 5-HTP regulation.

Dr. Michael Farquhar, a consultant in sleep medicine at the Evelina Children’s Hospital, said of children’s melatonin use, “It can be right for the right child in the right context … We would need to know the reason it is being prescribed and whether there was a benefit in its use … A much bigger piece of work is needed to find that out.”

Farquhar said he was concerned that some people saw melatonin as a quick fix. “Behavior interventions are more likely to be effective in the long-term and a better pediatric principle,” he said, such as meditation, reduction of screen time, dietary changes.

The National Institute for Health says melatonin appears relatively safe in the short and medium term (up to 18 months).

The biosynthesis, or production, of melatonin occurs through a series of enzyme-mediated chemical reactions starting with the amino acid L-tryptophan. Serotonin is produced along the way.  However, the process requires certain micronutrients in order to take place, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B6, zinc.  If the body is deficient in these or other important nutrients, it may not produce the melatonin needed for restful sleep, especially in children.

While melatonin may be an effective short-term solution for children struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep, treating the underlying cause that contributes to the need for melatonin can be a much better long-term plan. Vitamins and minerals support the natural functions of the body and play an important role in helping to produce and regulate the chemicals the body makes.





Cranium Health

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