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Author's Posts

  • Supplements That Can Help Boost Brain Power

    Supplements That Can Help Boost Brain Power0

    Wouldn’t it be great if you could just pop a pill and remember everything for an exam?  Realistically, there are no supplements that can boost your brain power to such astounding levels.  But, studies have shown that regular intake of certain supplements increases the ability to memorize.  There are many herbs, supplements and foods that

  • Verifying Supplement Labels

    Verifying Supplement Labels0

    As consumers we want to ensure that any product we ingest is high quality and is what is represented on the label.  Many consumers don’t realize that supplements, which include vitamins, minerals and other nutritional products, are not as stringently regulated by the government as food sources and medications.  The FDA does not review dietary supplement products for

  • Rise in Melatonin Use for Children Causes Safety Warning

    Rise in Melatonin Use for Children Causes Safety Warning0

    A growing number of children are being given melatonin to enable them to sleep. Some health professionals and researchers worry that, with little proof of long-term safety, melatonin is being used too frequently and for too long a duration. Melatonin, which occurs naturally in the body, plays an important role in the regulation of sleep-wake cycles, also

  • Relax and Rejuvenate Your Skin

    Relax and Rejuvenate Your Skin0

    Get a weekly, deep-tissue massage! This technique allows you to lay down, to get rubbed by another person while listening to soothing music, while you’re strengthening your heart, you’re improving the oxygen in your cells, you’re eliminating cellular waste, you’re decreasing blood pressure, you’re relieving stress and tension, you’re relieving muscle soreness, stimulating all your